Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology Study Guide

24.9 Chapter Twenty-Four Practice Exam 1. The ureter leaves the kidneys through the area known as _________________. a. Hilum b. Pyramids c. Cortex d. Medulla e. Calyx 2. What structure is considered the functional unit of the kidney? a. Nephron b. Glomerulus c. Loop of Henle d. None of these 3. The kidney is not included in the abdominal cavity; therefore, it is considered _________________. a. Parietal b. Retroperitoneal c. Peritoneal d. None of the above 4. The primary spot of filtration is _________________. a. Loop of Henle b. Collecting tubule c. Glomerulus d. Convoluted tubules 5. Urine is passed down the ureter by _________________. a. Gravity b.

Pressure c. Osmosis d.

Peristaltic contractions

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