Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology Table of Contents3
Chapter 1: Basic Anatomical Terminology14
1.1 Superficial Anatomy15
1.2 Sectional Anatomy17
1.3 Chapter One Review20
Chapter 2: General Organization of the Body21
2.1 Hierarchy of Organization21
2.2 General Breakdown of Organ Systems22
2.3 Maintenance of the Internal Environment23
2.4 Chapter Two Review25
2.5 Chapter Two Practice Exam26
Chapter 3: Cellular Level of Organization27
3.1 Cell Structure27
3.2 Material Transport28
3.3 Cell Life Cycle33
3.4 Chapter Three Review34
3.5 Chapter Three Practice Exam37
Chapter 4: The Tissue Level of Organization38
4.1 Epithelial Tissue38
4.2 Connective Tissue41
4.3 Muscle Tissue43
4.4 Neural Tissue45
4.5 Tissue Repair45
4.6 Chapter Four Review46
4.7 Chapter Four Practice Exam50
Chapter 5: The Chemical Level of Organization51
5.1 Atoms51
5.2 Chemical Bonding52
5.3 Types of Chemical Reactions54
5.4 Electrolytes and Body Fluids54
5.5 Carbohydrates55
5.6 Lipids56
5.7 Proteins56
Protein Structure57
Protein Shape57
Enzyme Function58
5.8 DNA and RNA58
Structure of Nucleic Acids58
5.9 ATP59
5.10 Chapter Five Review60
5.11 Chapter Five Practice Exam63
Chapter 6: The Integumentary System64
6.1 The Cutaneous Membrane65
6.2 Accessory Structures68
6.3 Integumentary Injury and Repair71
6.4 Burns and Grafts72
6.5 Aging72
6.6 Chapter Six Review73
6.7 Chapter Six Practice Exam76
Chapter 7: Bone and Osseous Tissue77
7.1 Bone Classification77
7.2 Bone Structure78
7.3 Bone Composition78
7.4 Bone Types80
7.5 Bone Parts80
7.6 Bone Formation and Growth80
7.7 Fractures83
7.8 Aging83
7.9 Chapter Seven Review84
7.10 Chapter Seven Practice Exam86
Chapter 8: The Skeletal System87
8.1 Axial Skeleton87
8.2 Appendicular Skeleton91
8.3 Chapter Eight Review95
8.4 Chapter Eight Practice Exam98
Chapter 9: Joints and Articulations99
9.1 Classification of Joints99
9.2 Movement of Joints101
9.3 Types of Synovial Joints102
9.4 Intervertebral Discs103
9.5 Intervertebral Ligaments103
9.6 Chapter Nine Review104
9.7 Chapter Nine Practice Exam106
Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue107
10.1 Skeletal Muscle107
10.2 Cardiac Muscle Tissue Structural Characteristics113
10.3 Smooth Muscle Tissue113
10.4 Chapter Ten Review115
10.5 Chapter Ten Practice Exam118
Chapter 11: The Muscular System120
11.1 Muscle Classification15
11.2 Levers121
11.3 Origins and Insertions121
11.4 Accessory Muscles121
11.5 Skeletal Muscle Names121
11.6 Aging122
11.7 Chapter Eleven Review123
11.8 Chapter Eleven Practice Exam125
Chapter 12: Structural Divisions of The Nervous System: Brain and Cranial Nerves126
12.1 Brain Regions and Landmarks127
12.2 Embryology of the Brain128
12.3 Ventricles of the Brain128
12.4 Protection and Support of the Brain129
12.5 The Blood Supply to the Brain130
12.6 The Cerebrum131
12.7 The Basal Nuclei131
12.8 Motor and Sensory Areas of the Cortex132
12.9 Association Areas132
12.10 Integrative Centers133
12.11 Brain Functions133
12.12 The Limbic System137
12.13 The Electroencephalogram (EEG)137
12.14 Cranial Nerves138
12.15 Chapter Twelve Review140
12.16 Chapter Twelve Practice Exam144
Chapter 13: Neural Tissue145
13.1 Divisions of the Nervous System Structural145
13.2 Neurons146
13.3 Structure146
13.4 Structural Classification147
13.5 Functional Classification148
13.6 Neuroglia149
13.7 Transmembrane Potential150
13.8 Action Potential153
13.9 Synapses155
13.10 Neurotransmitters156
13.11 Neuromodulators156
13.12 Postsynaptic Potentials157
13.13 Chapter Thirteen Review157
13.14 Chapter Thirteen Practice Exam162
Chapter 14: Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves163
14.1 Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord162
14.2 Spinal Meninges162
14.3 Gray and White Matter166
14.4 Anatomy of Spinal Nerves164
14.5 Neuronal Pools167
14.6 Reflexes168
14.7 Reinforcement and Inhibition170
14.8 Chapter Fourteen Review171
14.9 Chapter Fourteen Practice Exam174
Chapter 15: Functional Divisions of the Nervous System: Somatic and Autonomic Nervous System175
15.1 The Somatic Nervous System175
15.2 Levels of Processing and Motor Control176
15.3 The Autonomic Nervous System177
15.4 Higher Order Functions178
15.5 Aging180
15.6 Chapter Fifteen Review181
15.7 Chapter Fifteen Practice Exam185
Chapter 16: Senses186
16.1 Sensory Receptors186
16.2 General Sensory Receptors188
16.3 Somatic Sensory Pathways189
16.4 Visceral Sensory Pathways190
16.5 Olfaction190
16.6 Gustation191
16.7 Sight191
16.8 Hearing and Balance198
16.9 Chapter Sixteen Review202
16.10 Chapter Sixteen Practice Exam207
Chapter 17: The Endocrine System208
17.1 Hormones208
17.2 Pituitary Gland211
17.3 Thyroid Gland213
17.4 Parathyroid Glands213
17.5 Suprarenal Glands213
17.6 The Pineal Gland215
17.7 Pancreas215
17.8 Secondary Endocrine Organs216
17.9 Cell Response to Hormones217
17.10 Role of Hormones in Growth217
17.11 The Alarm Phase218
17.12 The Effects of Hormones on Behavior218
17.13 Aging and Hormone Production218
17.14 Chapter Seventeen Review219
17.15 Chapter Seventeen Practice Exam223
Chapter 18: Blood224
18.1 Blood224
18.2 Characteristics of Blood224
18.3 Blood Composition224
18.4 Red Blood Cells226
18.5 White Blood Cells229
18.6 Platelets232
18.7 Hemostasis232
18.8 Chapter Eighteen Review235
18.9 Chapter Eighteen Practice Exam238
Chapter 19: The Heart239
19.1 An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System239
19.2 The Pericardium239
19.3 Superficial Anatomy of the Heart239
19.4 Internal Anatomy and Organization242
19.5 The Blood Supply to the Heart245
19.6 Cardiac Physiology246
19.7 The Electrocardiogram248
19.8 The Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle Cells248
19.9 Cardiac Cycle249
19.10 Heart Sounds250
19.11 Hormones252
19.12 Chapter Nineteen Review253
19.13 Chapter Nineteen Practice Exam256
Chapter 20: Blood Vessels and Circulation257
20.1 Blood Vessels257
20.2 Arteries259
20.3 Capillaries260
20.4 Vasomotion261
20.5 Veins263
20.6 Venous Valves263
20.7 The Distribution of Blood263
20.8 Blood Pressure264
20.9 Autoregulation, Neural Mechanisms, and Endocrine Responses268
20.10 Vascular Supply to Special Regions269
20.11 Systemic Arteries271
20.12 Systemic Veins274
20.13 The Hepatic Portal System275
20.14 Placental Blood Supply276
20.15 Fetal Circulation in the Heart and Great Vessels276
20.16 Aging276
20.17 Chapter Twenty Review277
20.18 Chapter Twenty Practice Exam281
Chapter 21: The Lymphatic System282
21.1 Anatomy282
21.2 Lymphatic Vessels282
21.3 Lymphocytes283
21.4 Lymphocyte Production283
21.5 Lymphoid Tissues283
21.6 Lymph Flow284
21.7 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses286
21.8 Properties of Immunity289
21.9 Hormones of the Immune System291
21.10 Immune Disorders292
21.11 Aging292
21.12 Chapter Twenty-One Review292
21.13 Chapter Twenty-One Practice Exam297
Chapter 22: Respiratory System298
22.1 Functions of the Respiratory System298
22.2 Organization of the Respiratory System299
22.3 Upper Respiratory System299
22.4 Lower Respiratory System301
22.5 Respiration304
22.6 The Gas Laws308
22.7 The Respiratory Centers of the Brain309
22.8 Aging310
22.9 Chapter Twenty-Two Review310
22.10 Chapter Twenty-Two Practice Exam315
Chapter 23: The Digestive System316
23.1 Functions of the Digestive System316
23.2 The Digestive Organs and the Peritoneum316
23.3 The Movement of Digestive Materials317
23.4 Control of Digestive Functions318
23.5 The Oral Cavity318
23.6 The Pharynx320
23.7 The Esophagus320
23.8 Stomach322
23.9 The Small Intestine323
23.10 Large Intestines323
23.11 The Rectum324
23.12 Secondary Digestive Organs324
23.13 Digestion325
23.14 Nutrition326
23.15 Aging326
23.16 Chapter Twenty-Three Review327
23.17 Chapter Twenty-Three Practice Exam332
Chapter 24: The Urinary System333
24.1 The Kidneys333
24.2 Internal Structure of Kidneys334
24.3 Tubular Transport Factors336
24.4 Transport of Specific Substances336
24.5 Diuresis337
24.6 Hormonal Involvement337
24.7 Aging338
24.8 Chapter Twenty-Four Review338
24.9 Chapter Twenty-Four Practice Exam339
Chapter 25: The Reproductive System340
25.1 Male Reproductive System340
25.2 Spermatogenesis342
25.3 The Male Reproductive Tract343
25.4 Hormones and Male Reproductive Function345
25.5 Female Reproductive System346
25.6 The Uterus348
25.7 Hormones and the Female Reproductive Cycle350
25.8 Sexual Function351
25.9 Aging352
25.10 Chapter Twenty-Five Review352
25.11 Chapter Twenty-Five Practice Exam355
Chapter 26: Development and Inheritance356
26.1 Prenatal356
26.2 Postnatal359
26.3 Genetics and Inheritance360
26.4 Chapter Twenty-Six Review363
26. 5 Chapter Twenty-Five Practice Exam367
Answer Keys368

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