Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology Study Guide

6.7 Chapter Six Practice Exam 1. The two major components of the integumentary system are ________________. a. The cutaneous membrane and the accessory structures b. The epidermis and the hypodermis c. The hair and the nails d. The dermis and the subcutaneous layer 2. Beginning at the basal lamina and traveling toward the free surface, the epidermis includes the following layers: a. Corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, germinativum b. Granulosum, lucidum, spinosum, germinativum, corneum c. Germinativum, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum d. Lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, germinativum, corneum 3. Each of the following is a function of the integumentary system, except _____________. a. Protection of underlying tissue b. Excretion of salts and wastes c. Maintenance of body temperature d. Synthesis of vitamin C e. Storage of lipids 4. The two major components of the dermis are the _______________________. a. Superficial fascia and cutaneous membrane b. Epidermis and hypodermis c. Papillary layer and reticular layer d. Stratum germinativum and stratum corneum

5. The cutaneous plexus and papillary plexus consist of _______________________. a. A network of arteries providing the dermal blood supply b. A network of nerves providing dermal sensations c. Specialized cells for cutaneous sensations d. Gland cells that release cutaneous secretions 6. The portion of the hair follicle where cell divisions occur is the _______________________. a. Shaft b. Matrix c. Root hair plexus d. Cuticle 7. The two types of exocrine glands in the skin are _______________________. a. Merocrine and sweat glands b. Sebaceous and sweat glands c. Apocrine and sweat glands d. Eccrine and sweat glands 8. The stratum corneum of the nail root, which extends over the exposed nail, is called the _______________________. a. Hyponychium b. Eponychium c. Lunula d. Cerumen 9. The primary function of sensible perspiration is to ______________________. a. Get rid of wastes b. Protect the skin from dryness c. Maintain electrolyte balance d. Reduce body temperature Answer key found on page 366.


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