Introduction to Philosophy
Achieve Test Prep: Philosophy
Reflection Essay Questions
Chapter One Essay Question Everybody has a philosophy of life. Identify some of the foundation beliefs that form your philosophy of life, using the following questions as a guide. Express your ideas as completely as you can by answering the following: • What do you most value in life and why? • What moral beliefs influence your choices and your behavior toward others? • How do you determine the right thing to do? • What role do religious beliefs play in your life? Do you believe in God? Is there an afterlife? • What gives your life meaning? What is the purpose of your life? • Are all people entitled to basic human rights? • What is justice?
• What are other important beliefs in your life? • What do you hope to achieve in your life? • What do you consider to be beautiful?
Chapter Two Essay Question Identify some examples from our culture that suggest that people care more about making money and achieving fame and prestige than they do about pursuing wisdom, truth, and the improvement of souls.
Chapter Three Essay Question This is your opportunity to formulate and express your own philosophy of self. In chapter three we explored many themes and issues related to self: Now try to synthesize these ideas into your perspective on the nature of self by attempting to answer the following questions: • What is self? • Who are you? • Who do you want to become and why? • What is the meaning of your life? • How have the views of the thinkers in chapter three influenced your understanding of self?
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