Introduction to Philosophy
Achieve Test Prep: Philosophy
7. Which philosopher is known for his writing on utilitarianism, the view that we should act to promote the greatest amount of happiness and create the least amount of suffering for the greatest number of people? A) James B) Dennett
10. Which term focuses on the
philosophical and literary movement that concentrates on the uniqueness of each human individual as distinguished from abstract universal human qualities?
A) Determinism B) Compatibilism C) Responsibility D) Existentialism
C) Frye D) Mill
8. What view believes that some events, including human actions, are not necessarily determined by previous events by universal casual law?
A) Libertarianism B) Indeterminism C) Compatibilism D) Responsibility
9. Which term states that the limits on freedom that are within the individual such as compulsions, obsessions, or uncontrolled anxiety? A) External constraints B) Responsibility C) Internal constraints D) Existentialism
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