Introduction to Philosophy
Achieve Test Prep: Philosophy
Chapter Five Review Questions 1. What term refers to the philosophical investigation of the nature, constitution, and the structure of reality? a. Rationalism b. Empiricism c. Metaphysics d. Epistemology 2. What term refers to the study of the nature of knowledge and justification? a. Empiricism b. Metaphysics c. Rationalism d. Epistemology 3. Which philosopher argues that the soul cannot be separated from the body and that we as humans are entirely creatures of nature? a. Thales b. Democritus c. Descartes d. Aristotle 4. Which philosopher wrote the “Allegory of the Cave”, which is a vivid metaphor for the quest to understanding the ultimate essence, or truths, of things? a. Plato b. Heraclitus c. Leucippus d. Democritus 5. Which philosopher maintained that all things were in a state of flux and that the governing principle of the universe is what he called ‘logos?’ a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Thales d. Heraclitus
6. What term refers to the position of the senses and that sense experiences are primary in acquiring knowledge? a. Form b. Rationalism c. Empiricism d. Metaphysics 7. Which philosopher was best known for his theory of ‘Cogito ergo sum’, which he believed provided him with a foundation of absolute certainty on which he could construct a system of true beliefs through the power of reason? a. Descartes b. Thales c. Xenophanes d. Leucippus 8. What is the term that refers to creative drive or inner urge that impels all things to achieve their purpose in life? a. Infinite regress b. Entelechy c. Form d. Metaphysics 9. What term refers to the position that reason has precedence over other ways of acquiring knowledge? a. Epistemology b. Infinite regress c. Rationalism d. Form 10. In Plato’s metaphysics, the ideal essence of a thing is called ______. a. Form b. Empiricism c. Entelechy d. Infinite regress
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