Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Physiology Study Guide
26. 5 Chapter Twenty-Five Practice Exam 1. The chorionic villi ________________. a. Form the umbilical cord b. Form the umbilical vein c. Form the umbilical arteries d. Increase the surface area available for exchange between the placenta and maternal blood 2. The hormone that is the basis for a pregnancy test is ________________. a. LH b. Progesterone c. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) d. Human placental lactogen (hPL) 3. Recessive X-linked traits ________________. a. Are passed from fathers to their sons b. Are more likely to be expressed in males c. Always affect some aspect of the reproductive system d. Are never expressed in females 4. The stage of development that follows cleavage is the ________________. a. Blastocyst b. Morula c. Trophoblast d. Blastocoele 5. What developmental stage begins once the zygote arrives in the uterine cavity? a. Blastocyst b. Trophoblast c. Lacuna d. Blastomere
6. The structure(s) that allow(s) active and passive exchange between the fetal and maternal bloodstreams is/are the _______. a. Yolk stalk b. Chorionic villi c. Umbilical veins d. Umbilical arteries 7. If an allele must be present on both the maternal and paternal chromosomes to affect the phenotype, then the allele is … a. Dominant b. Recessive c. Complementary d. Heterozygous 8. If a sperm cell lacked sufficient quantities of hyaluronidase, it would not be able to ______. a. Move its flagellum b. Penetrate the corona radiata c. Cecome capacitated d. Survive the environment of the female reproductive tract 9. Problems involving the formation of the chorion would affect ________________. a. The embryo’s ability to produce blood cells b. The formation of limbs c. The embryo’s ability to derive nutrition from the mother d. Lung formation 10. A normally pigmented woman with an albino father marries a normally pigmented man with an albino mother. What is the probability that they have an albino child? a.
50% b. 25% c. 12.5% d. 6.25%
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