Introduction to Philosophy
Achieve Test Prep: Philosophy
Plato: Society Should be Based on Function and Harmony The first comprehensive social theory based on the concept of justice was developed by Plato which was articulated in his work The Republic . In this writing, Plato concluded that an ideal society must be a type of intellectual aristocracy, a political form in which society is governed by a limited number of individuals who are considered to be uniquely qualified because of their intellectual abilities. For Plato, he believed that society should be ruled by the wisest and most enlightened of people: the philosopher- kings. These would be people who had dedicated themselves to achieving authentic wisdom through enlightened education and hard work. Plato did not believe that all people are created with equal abilities; rather, he believed that each person has unique strengths and talents that must be used in an appropriate way. He believed that people fell into one of the following three categories: • Workers: Craftspeople, farmers, artisans, shopkeepers • Guardians: Soldiers, police, firefighters • Philosopher: Kings A just state is one in which all the groups perform their unique functions in excellent fashion and all members of society work together harmoniously. Plato believed that all three types of people correspond to the three fundamental parts of the soul: appetite, spirit, and reason. Plato uses the metaphor of a chariot and driver to explain the soul’s functioning: The driver is reason working to control and direct the two powerful horses spirit and appetite. In a virtuous person, the three elements of the soul function together in a smoothly integrated and productive way. Thus, for Plato, the virtuous soul and the just state are mirrors of one another, and they both reflect the cardinal virtues characteristic of a good society and a truly happy individual.
Elements of a Virtuous Soul
Elements of Soul
Elements of State Philosopher- Kings
Elements of a Just State
Justice exists in the state and the individual when all the elements perform their distinctive function and work together as a smoothly articulated and balanced whole. In contrast, injustice occurs when the parts of the state or the individual fail to perform the functions for which they were designed or they fail to work with the other members in a harmonious way. Plato’s theory of the state, it is both structured and hierarchical. Once people have been sorted into their respective groups based on their intrinsic talents, they are typically expected to remain in those social classes and work toward the good of the entire society and this may entail subsuming their own personal interests and preferences so that society may flourish. Plato found it acceptable for people to move within their social class but he cautioned that trying to move to another social class would do harm to society as a whole contributing
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